#1 Non-Profit Athletic Development
In Lake County

Here at Lake County Athletic Development we believe that every kid deserves the opportunity to play sports
The Problem: Kids in Lake County aren’t participating in local youth sports due to:
Financial Issues: Families can’t afford gas to and from practices, league fees, equipment, or out-of-town travel.
Transportation Issues: Parents must work or don’t have vehicles, preventing kids from attending practices, games, or events.
Lack of Adult Influence: Kids live with elders, grandparents, or disabled guardians who aren’t able to encourage participation in sports.
Our Solutions: With the Grant Funding, Donations, and Gifts we aim to address these challenges as follows:
Financial Solutions:Gas Cards: Provide gas cards to parents, enabling them to transport their kids to and from practices, games (home and away), and team events.
Equipment Purchase: Supply necessary sports equipment to kids.
Fee Coverage: Cover league fees for participating kids.
Transportation Solutions:
Vehicle Purchase and Drivers: Buy vehicles and hire drivers to transport kids to and from practices, games (home and away), and team events.
Support and Mentorship:
Facility Access: Establish a facility where kids can hang out and train at no cost to them fully funded through grants and donations.
Life Coaches and Counselors: Provide life coaches, counselors, and positive role models to guide and support the youth in becoming the best version of themselves.