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Gym Equipment
Here at Lake County Athletic Development we believe that every kid deserves the opportunity to play sports

The Problem: Kids in Lake County aren’t participating in local youth sports due to:

  • Financial Issues: Families can’t afford gas to and from practices, league fees, equipment, or out-of-town travel.

  • Transportation Issues: Parents must work or don’t have vehicles, preventing kids from attending practices, games, or events.

  • Lack of Adult Influence: Kids live with elders, grandparents, or disabled guardians who aren’t able to encourage participation in sports.


Our Solutions: With the Grant Funding, Donations, and Gifts we aim to address these challenges as follows:

  • Financial Solutions:Gas Cards: Provide gas cards to parents, enabling them to transport their kids to and from practices, games (home and away), and team events.

  • Equipment Purchase: Supply necessary sports equipment to kids.

    1. Fee Coverage: Cover league fees for participating kids.

  • Transportation Solutions:

    1. Vehicle Purchase and Drivers: Buy vehicles and hire drivers to transport kids to and from practices, games (home and away), and team events.

  • Support and Mentorship:

    1. Facility Access: Establish a facility where kids can hang out and train at no cost to them fully funded through grants and donations.

    2. Life Coaches and Counselors: Provide life coaches, counselors, and positive role models to guide and support the youth in becoming the best version of themselves.

Programs that we will offer

Physical Fitness

Nutritional Health 

Mental Health & Awareness

Sports Training & Development

Healthy Habits & Lifestyles

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P.O. Box 56 Nice, CA 95464

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